What is Alcoholic Schizophrenia?

alcoholic schizophrenia

Alcohol abuse leads to the defeat of all body systems. In this case, the brain suffers no less than the kidneys, liver, or heart. According to statistics, a quarter of people with alcoholism have signs of schizophrenia. In this case, the latter can be both a consequence and a cause of binges. Scientists have long studied the relationship between these two phenomena. In the article, we will tell you how alcoholic schizophrenia arises, manifests itself, and is treated.

Read More: Alcoholic Schizophrenia

What’s to know about alcoholic hepatitis?

Alcoholic Hepatitis

Alcoholic hepatitis is an inflammation of the liver caused by drinking alcohol. People who have been drinking heavily for many years are more likely to have alcoholic hepatitis. However, the relationship between alcoholism and alcoholic hepatitis is complex. Not all heavy drinkers develop alcoholic hepatitis and the disease can occur in people who drink only somewhat.

If you are diagnosed with alcoholic hepatitis, you must discontinue drinking alcohol. People who continue to drink alcohol have a higher risk of severe liver damage and death.

Read More: alcoholic hepatitis